Case study

Mile High Fishing Charters

See how Tourza has helped Mile High Fishing Charters stay ahead of the competition.

Client background

Mile High Fishing Charters is a top-tier fishing guide service operating out of the picturesque Lake Tahoe, CA. Known for providing unparalleled fishing experiences, they cater to enthusiasts and beginners alike, helping them navigate the deep blue waters of Lake Tahoe. Their reputation in the local community has been built over years of delivering memorable fishing trips and expert guidance. However, like many established businesses, they faced challenges adapting to the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Mile High Fishing Charters grappled with several digital challenges that were holding them back. Firstly, their website, a critical touchpoint for potential customers, was underperforming. It lacked the essence of their brand and, more crucially, wasn’t effectively converting visitors into customers. To add to their woes, poor search engine rankings meant they were missing out on potential clients, and their advertising campaigns weren’t providing the desired return on investment.

The company also recognized the importance of online reviews in today’s digital age but found it challenging to gather them. Lastly, in an era where convenience is paramount, the absence of an online booking system was a glaring omission. While there were solutions available, the steep commissions charged by many booking systems were a deterrent.


Our first order of business was a complete overhaul of their website. We sculpted a visually appealing, mobile-responsive site that not only echoed the ethos of Mile High Fishing Charters but also served as an effective conversion tool. On the SEO front, our targeted strategies propelled them to the top echelons of search results for fishing charters in their region, eliminating the need for costly pay-per-click campaigns. Recognizing the power of authentic reviews, we initiated campaigns to encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences on major social media platforms.

As a final touch, we introduced them to ‘brightcalendar,’ our in-house booking system. This tool not only enabled seamless online bookings but also gave them the reins to manage their schedule efficiently, all without the burden of hefty commission fees.


Hello, I’m Joby Cefalu, the owner of Mile High Fishing Charters in South Lake Tahoe, California. I was among the pioneers in my area and the country to use the World Wide Web to promote my business. Back in the late 1990s, I secured domain names for my region and settled on as my primary web address. With a background in marketing from college, I thought I had everything it took to outshine the competition. Little did I know, that’s when I met Kevin Martin.

Kevin, as you’ll soon learn, is not only exceptional in his field but also a reliable and fantastic collaborator. Over the past 25+ years, I’ve realized that the world of website management, hosting, and SEO services, among other marketing aspects, has become incredibly complex. Nowadays, I receive around 10-15 calls each week from various services promising to revolutionize my SEO, site building, hosting, and more. At one point, I decided to part ways with Kevin, thinking it would be beneficial for my company. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I returned, humbly asking for his help, and Kevin was right there to lift me up.

I can personally vouch for the fact that in this intricate world of SEO and website management, Kevin has played a pivotal role in ensuring that I have more business than I can handle. While I work diligently to retain my customers, Kevin has helped me discover them. To this day, he remains as competitive with my SEO as I am as a Fishing Guide. He consistently strives to secure and maintain the #1 position for all relevant search terms related to my business.

Let’s face it, on a much-needed day off, I grab my iPad, type in a search term like “Lake Tahoe Fishing Charter,” and expect to see my site in the top position, only to find it buried on page 3. That’s when Kevin steps in, and three days later, without a call or email from me, I’m back at #1. That’s why, if anyone (except my direct competition, of course) asks me where to go for website help, there’s only one person I recommend: Kevin Martin.

Kevin, thank you for not only helping me and my company be the best we can be but also for the exceptional personal service over the years. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was your only customer.