Case study


Learn how Tourza helped Vertical Strategies Real Estate enhance its Miami presence through strategic branding, web development, and digital marketing.

Client background

Vertical Strategies Real Estate (VSRE) has a notable history of over forty years in commercial real estate. Known for their deep expertise, market knowledge, and trustworthy reputation, they have successfully completed many property transactions for a diverse range of clients.

VSRE saw an opportunity in Miami’s growing residential real estate market and decided to expand beyond their commercial focus.

Aiming to enter the residential market, VSRE planned to blend their commercial experience with the unique needs of Miami’s residential buyers and sellers. Their goal was to establish themselves as a major player in both commercial and residential real estate in Florida.


Vertical Strategies Real Estate set out to enter the busy Miami residential market, a challenging endeavor. Our project encountered numerous complex challenges, each needing specific attention and solutions:


A crucial task was the rebranding. We had to reimagine VSRE’s identity to resonate with the Miami vibe—capturing its freshness, modernity, and energy. The aim was clear: distinguish VSRE amidst a sea of realtors and position them as a premier residential real estate broker.

Website functionality

It was crucial to build a website that was easy to use and responded well. We added a custom MLS data feed that focused on certain neighborhoods and types of properties. We also used Google maps to make it easier for potential buyers to see properties. The back-end of the website was carefully set up to capture leads effectively, making sure VSRE didn’t miss any business opportunities.

Market landscape

We used a variety of marketing methods to help VSRE stand out online. This included improving search rankings with SEO, creating interesting content, using social media, and starting specific PPC ad campaigns. Our goal was to make VSRE more visible online and reach the right people easily.

Time restraint

To add to the complexity, we were racing against the clock. With a window of fewer than 60 days, every moment was precious. This tight timeframe pressed upon us the need for swift decision-making, efficient execution, and unwavering focus.


Our team developed a strong approach to help Vertical Strategies Real Estate enter the Miami residential market. Through thorough market analysis, we identified local real estate opportunities and informed our rebranding efforts, creating a brand identity that aligned with Miami’s culture.

We designed and built a user-centric website featuring a customized MLS feed and intuitive Google map overlays, enhancing property search functionality. The site’s back-end was equipped with lead capture and engagement optimization tools.

Our digital marketing strategy included SEO to increase online visibility, content marketing to showcase expertise, social media campaigns for community engagement, and targeted PPC campaigns for lead generation.

With a tight 60-day deadline, we used agile project management to ensure timely and efficient task completion, keeping in constant communication with the VSRE team. Our solutions combined modern technology and creativity, facilitating VSRE’s successful entry into Miami’s residential real estate market.


“When we approached Tourza with our vision for expanding into the Miami residential market, we knew the challenges would be manifold. But from day one, the team showcased not just their expertise, but an unwavering commitment to bringing our vision to life. Every hurdle was met with innovative solutions, and their comprehensive strategy took into account even the minutest of details. The end result? A brand identity that resonates and a user-centric website that’s been instrumental in driving leads.

Their work not only placed us at the forefront in a competitive market but surpassed our expectations in ways we hadn’t imagined. Partnering with Tourza was one of the best business decisions we’ve made.”

— Rafael A. Villamizar, CEO,
Vertical Strategies Real Estate.